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The blood supply and nerve tissue that is found inside of each tooth is protected by several layers of tooth structure. This living tissue is responsible for keeping the tooth vital and strong. It is also responsible for the tooth’s reactions to sensations like temperature and pain. When this delicate tissue is traumatized by an injury or exposed by a cavity or a fracture, the result is infection or an inflammatory reaction. This sort of irreversible damage to the nerve and blood supply can be resolved with root canal therapy. By eliminating the infection, removing the unhealthy nerve tissue, and refilling the empty space with a sterile filling material, the rest of the tooth can remain intact and fully functional. When the nerve within the tooth is unhealthy, a root canal procedure may be the only alternative to a tooth extraction.

Not Your Grandfather’s Root Canal Procedure

Today’s root canal treatments are far more comfortable and much faster than the procedures that our parents and grandparents may have experienced. With advanced technology, precision instrumentation, and better materials, the root canal procedure has begun to shed its old reputation of pain and difficulty.

How is Root Canal Therapy Performed?

Antibiotics can sometimes quiet an infected tooth for a short while, but it’s important to know that the infection will return once the antibiotics are finished unless the root canal procedure is performed or the tooth is removed. To perform the procedure, local anesthetics will be used to numb the tooth and the nerve tissue will be cleaned out with small instruments inserted through a small opening through the crown of the tooth. Once the tiny space within the tooth has been cleaned and sterilized, it will be refilled with a rubber-like filling material. After root canal therapy, a tooth without a living nerve and blood supply is very likely to become brittle. We recommend capping the tooth with a strong dental crown to prevent reinfection or a fracture.

Are You in Need of Root Canal Therapy?

A deep cavity, a broken tooth, an abscess, or a forceful blow to the mouth could require root canal therapy. Throbbing pain, a dull aching pain, a bump or bubble on the gums, or acute sensitivity can also signal the need for a root canal treatment. These conditions may or may not cause pain although Dr. Blacher can perform a series of diagnostic tests to evaluate the health of a particular tooth.


For more information about root canal therapy, contact our office for an exam today.

Mon9:00AM – 6:00PM
Tues8:00AM – 5:00PM
Wed8:00AM – 5:00PM
Thurs8:00AM – 5:00PM
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